A Nigeria for Nigerians by Nigerians -Nur

In Nigeria like in most modern societies, we have the elite ruling class and the common man who has been led by the former from time immemorial. I'm not just talking about the British colonial byproduct known today as Nigeria. I'm going as far back as when we were just neighboring nation states as well. This seems like the natural order societies have been built to follow inevitably. And it makes sense when you look at it simply and critically. Of course the best suited and wise ought to be at the helm of affairs so as to pilot society successfully right?

There's a system of government for the wise called a gerontocracy, where the oldest members of society lead because of their age and of course wisdom. This also sounds nice and familiar especially for us Africans. We respect old age because of its experience and knowledge. We have informal gerontocracy basically within all our families I dare say. We must have all had at least one patriarch or matriarch at one time whom all deferred to.

But we have since adopted democracy as our preferred system of government in Nigeria. This has been relatively fine so far. I'd like to say it's mostly fine in theory actually but I would be doing a great disservice to the multitude of democratic heroes Nigeria has birthed over the decades since our national journey began. Naturally only the best are supposed to lead in a democracy too. The best in character, record and reputation. That's why we vote at the polls every time one leadership finishes its tenure. The best and most suited present themselves and try to inform us of their peculiar qualities and records as well as what they intend to bring to the table of leadership that would better all our individual lives. They compete and we examine and decide who gets the job. Looks pretty simple right? Yes it looks and should be pretty simple.

My focus isn't on the simplicity of democracy. I do however plan to focus on who has been deemed the best suited to be chosen to lead in Nigeria so far. We all know them. The so called elite ruling class. The big man and woman! You see I have a problem with this term elite ruling class to be honest. Unfortunately for us, especially in recent times, we have been conned and deceived into thinking we've been using the word like we ought to.

The word elite has been hijacked and pirated. It no longer means the best of the best or the most suited. Tragically in Nigeria today, elite has become synonymous with financial buoyancy and excess. It is now a term that defines the wealthy or better yet, those who have money. A lot of money. I don't know how it happened but at some point, politics in Nigeria became a money affair. It has become the norm that only those who have access to a lot of money can dare declare themselves fit for political office. This to me is a colossal tragedy and a failure to imbibe original democratic tenets and beliefs. I will explain.

When you have such a situation where money becomes the unit of measurement of viability in politics you have then sacrificed the true essence of democracy. The issue of the best leading the rest is completely made absolute nonsense of and the resultant situation is very much the chaotic stagnancy we have in Nigeria today. Pure corruption becomes the mantra, spoken and unspoken. It is the reason why everyone who has the chance tries with all their might to amass as much money as they can, anyway they can. That's why everybody's stealing. From the messenger in an office to the head of a department to the chairman or oga at the top.

We have thrown away values such as honesty and justice into the river. It is no longer about bettering the lives of your people because you are wise or educated enough in the ways to achieve this. It is today about bettering the lives of your family and friends and of course your paymasters. Money has replaced the people when we define Nigerian democracy. We have government of people's money, for the people's money, by people with money. How sad and tragic things have become in my country.

But it doesn't have to be this way!

We once had different & better values, beliefs and definitions in the same Nigeria and not that long ago too. What if we try to bring back those values and original ideals? What if we try to each redefine what has been hijacked and corrupted?

I think we can. I know we can. I have also been fortunate enough to have met other people who think exactly like me too. And what do I think? Well, seeing how the system has been literally stolen from us I feel we can and should take back what is rightfully ours. We should redefine what we are now forced to accept as the definition of political eligibility and viability. I think it is now time we jettison this notion of money being a qualification for viable political leadership. I think we should stop giving just the corrupt elites the opportunity to lead but instead give it back to the most important class of our society. I think it is time we pick our leaders from amongst ourselves as ordinary Nigerian citizens.

We say it all the time, of all our numbers isn't there someone better than what we currently have? I am sure you have asked this question too before. And my answer has always been an emphatic yes. Yes there are millions who are better suited to lead us than those we are currently burdened with. Don't even get me started!

We just have to provide them with the right platform to project themselves to the wider society. We also have to look for them actually but I believe having the platform first is more important. With that successfully in place, finding them would be relatively easy.

In essence, I'm saying that a solution to our current leadership malaise has been right there in front of us all this time. Us! We are the solution. You and I. The ordinary Nigerian as he or she has come to be better known. And this idea feels so right at home with me. It makes too much sense to me. So you can imagine how I felt when I came across others who not only thought of this big idea but had already begun putting it into action. That's right! The wheels have already been set in motion as you read this. And I am very glad and proud to be a part of this revolution. A revolution of the mind and spirit. A chance and great opportunity to change our collective destinies by our very selves. No more money politics and corrupt elitism. Let Nigerians that are truly qualified to lead be given the chance to because they deserve it not because they paid for it. It is high time we move out of our chairs and seats and rise into tangible action that will truly bring about true and good change in our society at every level. It is time for the ordinary Nigerian to lead himself. It is time for the myopic old order of moneybag politics which only helps itself be done away with forever. It is time you and I joined hands to save our one and only country Nigeria.

Like I said, I have already joined a group of like minded Nigerians who have the same vision as I do.

And that is the Ordinary Nigerians People's Movement (ONPM).

We are in the process of making things official and launching the best platform to achieve this noble vision for our country. I am writing this not just to share this great idea but to invite you to join us if you feel the same need to save our country. I invite you to join us if you are tired of complaining. I invite you to come and add value as best as you can as a fellow patriotic Nigerian.

Let us come together and change our current terrible situation. Let us unite and collectively restore the right values in our society. It is not going to be easy trust me I know. And of course we will need money to achieve this. But the simple point is that money alone shouldn't define us and our politics. It has been doing this for too long and I ask you how have we fared thus far? Are we where we should be? Is this the best we can do? Is this who we are?

I say NO! We have not fared well, we are not where we ought to be and this is certainly not the best that we can do! We can be better than this! We are better than this! But only if we come together. Only if we join hands and put heads together. Only then can we succeed. So once again, there are people just like you already putting in work to bring about the rise of the ordinary Nigerian. There are people who have strong beliefs in the practicability of all I have been saying and more. I just joined them and I am inviting you to join us too. Let's change things. No more talk. Let's go out there and really change things for the better, together. Join us in *Ordinary Nigerians Political Movement* today and let's begin. How? Search for "Ordinary Nigerians Political Movement" on Facebook and/or sms your WhatsApp number to 09078672906.

Nur Habib


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