Ever since the invention of Dr.Godwin AkpanAmaowoh’s Tupocracy in 2007,  controversial remarks have been made in regards to where the invention starts and ends in the journey of man, through his stay on earth. Defined as a system of government involving people who lead by positive examples based on transparency, integrity, altruism, patriotism and godly character which is worthy of emulation by their followers and colleagues, many could not but raise eyebrows at this. 

Tupocracy has been recommended to be adopted as the handmaid of democracy in all aspects of governance for peace, security, and prosperity of the nation. ‘It is rightly predicated on the age-old axiom that example is better than precept and so the Tupocrat says, “Emulate me in all things.”  “Do as I do” and not “Do as I say.”  Without fear of contradiction, the beauty of good governance lies in Tupocracy,’ Amaowoh defends.  

In 2007, Dr. Godwin AkpanAmaowoh documented his research findings on the concept of Tupocracy in a seventeen chapter book published for the first time in the same year. The publication spark up mixed reactions from researchers and scholars. Here are fifteen selected Controversial Reactions OnTupocracy as a System of Government;

Different people go into an institutions of learning for various reasons. While some go to obtain a Certificate to qualify them for one job position or the other, others go there to obtain knowledge. In the process of seeking to obtain knowledge, some have excelled by going further to make invaluable contributions to knowledge. Dr. Godwin Amaowoh certainly belongs to this last class. The author, being a youth leader and great conference speaker, I have had the privilege of hearing him speak at a conference, challenging youths to excellence in every field of human endeavor. In all, his passion for leadership by example has not been hidden, as well as his quest for spiritual and moral excellence in leadership.
It came to me as no surprise when he intimated me of his desire to further his education. In doing this, his quest for excellence in exemplary leadership did not leave him. It also comes as no surprise that after consuming all available materials on the subject matter of exemplary leadership, he has gone further to introduce an entirely new concept on the subject, TUPOCRACY.  A detailed study of the concept of TUPOCRACY leaves no one in doubt that this ebullient scholar has made an invaluable contribution to human learning.
My fascination with this topic is not just because of its academic worth but in the person of the author. I got to meet the Reverend Amaowoh for the first time about six years ago, when I was interviewing him for a job at the national headquarter of the Assemblies of God, Nigeria. At that first meeting, I was so impressed by not only his knowledge of the task on hand but his personal candor and unassuming disposition, that I promptly offered him the job of national director of the Youth Ministries for the church. Since then we have worked very closely and the closer I get to know him, the more I love him and thank god for such a great gift to the church.
The concept, TUPOCRACY, is an offshoot of this dedicated life, which is not just propagating a high-sounding theory but is a good example of what he is teaching. On a personal note, Rev. Amaowoh has done me a lot of honors since I got to know him, but his honor of requesting me to forward this great books far surprises all others. What a privilege to be associated with the great thoughts expounded in this book! I recommend it most highly to all who desire to excel in leadership by example. I further recommend the concept of TUPOCRACY to all relevant institutions of learning.


Today, the world is making use of so many things, which certain people invented, introduced, manufactured or discovered. These include the printing press, electricity, motor vehicle, sewing machine, telephone (including now, the GSM cell phones now),building materials, textiles, computers, airplanes, rail and water transportation, medicines, agricultural and medical equipment. The list is endless. These came as a result of researches and experiments conducted by their founders.
Similarly, terminologies and jargons that are in use in many of today’s professions were introduced by fellow human beings. Some of these terminologies, including those usedin English language, were coined from other languages such as Greek, Latin, French and Dutch, by scholars, in their various fields, Tupocracy, given birth to by a research, as a terminology, for a widely known and ageless concept (leadership by example), is also from the same intellectual matrix. Interestingly, the birthplace of Tupocracy is Africa, Nigeria in particular. This glorious development is worthy of celebration, as a boost, to the image of the Blackman.
Providentially, as the author’s External Examiner at the doctoral level, I had the opportunity of reading this book painstakingly, critically and exhaustively as a dissertation. Having found the material quite relevant to the socio-religious as well as the politico-intellectual world, the board of Examiners recommended that the work be published without delay I am glad it has now reached that stage, with more materials added to it.
My encounter with Rev. Amaowoh during the defense gave me the impression that he is a brilliant scholar, one with a passion for excellence, in all areas of life, including leadership and role modeling. The author is one who believes in attaining success in life through hard work and dedication as he gave a good account of himself to the satisfaction of all those present, during the oral examination.
Arguably, the world as a whole is familiar with “Leadership by example” as a maxim, but, if my guess is correct, there has been a global longing for a portable terminologies like, Democracy, Autocracy, Theocracy, Aristocracy, and oligarchy, among others that have made the concept which they variously represent to become household doctrines. As the author has rightly said, these political doctrines are all of Greek origin, namely Demos, Autos, Theo, Aristos and Oligos respectively. Tupocracy, which is the here presented has also Greek root, tupos. With erudition and a rich bibliography, Dr. Amaowoh has lucidly drawn the attention of the whole world, represented in two broad spheres, namely, the religious and the secular (church and civil society), to the importance of leadership by example. It is incontestable that there exists a yawning gap in two spheres as far as creed and practice, or precept and example are concerned. This is the chasm that has given birth to what the author refers to as, ‘credibility gap’, which exists between most leaders and their followers. This book is, therefore, a challenge to both pastoral and civil leaders to endeavor to bridge this gap through exemplary leadership.
Good enough, using the biblical paradigm, the Author has given us the specific areas to ponder, Viz, Love, Faith, Conduct, Speech, and Holiness. This book has particular relevance for Nigeria at the same time as this when the tempo of the fight against corruption is accelerating. Obviously, I share the author’s optimism about a corrupt-free Nigeria, based on the tenets of Tupocracy enunciated in this book.
I must sincerely commend Rev. Dr. Godwin Amaowoh for this fecund intellectual trip to meet a global desire. Tupocracyis God’s revelation to this humble servant of His, for the good society.
The world now has a word for “leadership by example”. Let the tenet of Tupocracyas a style of governance be taught at all levels, including leadership and professional institutions. Scholars in the liberal arts, Humanity, and social science will find this book very useful. To all leaders, this book is a wake-up call as well as a moral guide. Leaders in all walks of life need the respect, loyalty, and co-operation of their followers and these can be earned not by dictatorship but by Tupocracy. It should also be realized, according to a certain scholar, that, ‘when we take care of our character; our reputation will take care of itself;This book is timely and relevant for every nation, including Nigeria. It is also relevant for every church and the pastoral ministry.



The world is desperately seeking someone to follow. That they will follow someone is certain, but will he be a man who knows the right way? Will he be one like themselvesleading them into the greater darkness? Paul, in his leadership analogy to the Thessalonians states;
“For you yourself know how you ought to
Follow us, for we were not disorderly among 
You; nor did we eat anyone’s bread free of 
Charge, but worked with labor and toil 
Night and day that we might not be burden
To any of you, not because we do not have 
Authority, but to make our self an example of 
How you should follow us,”
                                                 II Thessalonians 3:7-9

Looking at leadership implication in the above scripture passage and comparing it with what is obtained in this 21st century, it would be observed that what hold is the converse. LeroryEims then cries out that; “A crisis of leadership engulfs the world. Political leaders, economic experts, editorial writers, newsmen, spokesmen, in the field of education and religion raise a huge cry: men who the know the Andean lead others on the right path are few.”
Gene A. Getz, in his book, sharpening the focus of the church, ask: are we giving primary attention to biblical qualifications in the selection of church leadership? Do we give primary concern to their reputation, ethnics, morality, temperament, habits, spiritual maturity, psychological stability, their knowledge of the word of god, and their ability to manage their own households well? Or do we select leaders primarily on the basis of their outward abilities?
Challenge by leadership mess around us everywhere today, I have seen Rev. Dr. Godwin AkpanAmaowoh as one of the outstanding younger leaders crying out for leadership by example in our families, churches, and the society at large, as he comes up with a new leadership concept called TUPOCRACY to match and compensate older ones like autocracy (dictatorship), bureaucracy (red tape), democracy (rule by the ruled), etc.
TUPOCRACY, though incognito on the surface, is scholarly define with expressive and impressive significance both from Greek and English root: tupos; meaning exsample, example, pattern, manner, etc. ‘cracy’  a word element occurring in loan words from Greek meaning rule or government, thus bringing both terms (tupos+cracy)to mean rulership, or,leadership by example.
TUPOCRACY, therefore, being a very modern and strange concept as it yet to be found in any dictionary, should be seen as a welcome development, etymologically; for like a newborn baby, a tiny acorn or a dandelion seed, this new concept or terminology should receive a welcome column on the pages of new and revised dictionaries and lexicon of modern term and concepts.
The book is well written. The author has thought clearly, read wisely, and written practically with great respect to the older leaders and authors, but is not afraid or tactfully show weakness and failure where the church or society fails in leading by example as Christ lived and taught. Dr. Godwin AkpanAmaowoh, using his academic platform in TUPOCRACY leading by example, advocates for quality and qualified leadership both in our modern-day ‘church enterprise’ and ‘democratic society or governance’ such that truth, justice, equity, honesty, love, and Christ-centeredness is envisaged.
You hold in your hands now, a newly authored book, with a never – heard terminology, conceived and birthed by Dr. Godwin AkpanAmaowoh. As this book goes forth, I prey your leadership under the headship of Christ will produce adventure and progress for the people of God. Former United NationsSecretary General Dag Hammarskjold, said: let me finish what I have been permitted to begin. Let me give all without an assurance of increase. Your church can be mediocre, average,or great; her future is in your hands. Why not measure the cost of TUPOCRACY and pay it gladly? And may the holy spirit give all who lead in his church and society a forward look, which call forth our best effort, until our last days of service to God and man is complete.
FIIMN, D.D,M.A. (ED),B.A. (ED), B.TH, (USA)

Godwin  AkpanAmaowoh’s book, Entitled “ TUPOCRACY’’: Leadership By Example for the Church and Civil Society, is deeply rooted and solidly grounded within the context of Christian and social ethics, subjects I taught the author during his master’s degree program, at the University of Uyo, Where I spent my sabbatical leave, in 1999. I am glad to know that Amaowoh has sustained his scholarly interest in researching and writing on topical and contemporary ethical issues. Indeed, I feel particularly delighted and honored to be called open to write the foreword to this interesting book, a clear indication, perhaps, of the author’s recognition that certain ideas he might have learned from my courses somehow prompted and propelled him to research and write on the issue of ‘TUPOCRACY/leadership by example.
This scholar and well-researched work examines, among other things, different types of leadership, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of each type, and concluding that the “TUPOCRACY” type is the best and most people-oriented and people-friendly, and the type that is most appreciated by the led. It is not surprising, therefore, that Amowoh should warmly recommend the ‘tupocratic’ model of leadership to all those in positions of leadership in and outside the church. According to the author, this is the type of leadership that easily ‘wins friends and influences people’ for time and eternity, and immortalizes the names of this type of leaders on the sands of time! This type of leadership, he says, should be a handmaid of democracy for optimum result, one only hopes that the advocate and preachers of the modern democracy will not only hear this but also, more importantly, do this!
The well-articulated finding and conclusion of Amaowoh’s book is that the moral actions, behaviors, and qualities of the led cannot, and will never, ‘rise above’ those of their leaders. This finding and conclusion confirm the old saying, ‘like father/mother, like son/daughter 1 this conclusion is a serious challenge to those in leadership positions to be careful of the type of moral examples they set before their followers, for history and posterity will judge leaders by their example. A solemn thought indeed!
While it will certainly challenge most reader’s moral bankruptcy, the book will also assuredly educate, edify and reform them. No one will remain on the same moral pedestal, after reading this very informative and inspiring volume. Moreover, students of religion, ethics, theology, ministers of the gospel, and even the general reader, will find much in this book to educate and stimulate them. It is for these reasons that I strongly and wholeheartedly recommend it to the reading public, particularly to those in positions of leadership in the family, the church, the workplace, and in the state.


TUPOCRACY: Leadership by Example for the Church and civil Society” what a pertinent topic! What a creative, group-breaking insight! What a wealth of information! Youth ministries of Assemblies of God, Nigeria, has made a great contribution to the socio-religious World. The concept of TUPOCRACY is a welcome innovation. The assemblies of such an array of ingenuity, originality, and resourcefulness on the topic of TUPOCRACY: Leadership by Example for the Church and civil society is an editorial tour de force. Each paragraph lures the reader on with ever-mounting anticipation. It is a tool that can be useful in helping leaders to integrate their inner and outer lives, and theory and praxis. The work has come at a time when the gap between saying and doing, promises and fulfillment continue to yawn in our society. It is time to do away with the old sayings, ‘do as I say and not as I do’ as it does not portray good leadership principle.
I perfectly agree with the author ‘although the illumination behind this book is from the holy bible, and the whole presentation and packaging is essentially Christian, the spirit  of the book cut across the spectrum of Christianity. None-Christian willfind the concept of “TUPOCRACY” as that which encapsulates what they also yearn for;.Dr. Amoawoh  demonstrates he has a thorough grasp of the subject. The book is a great resources and definitive guide to the practice of leadership in all spheres of life. The book describe new paradigms for any leader that integrates spiritual integrity and service.
It is expected of leaders, whether secular or sacred, to lead by example. A leader must be model of accountability, faithfulness, purity, truthfulness, honesty, integrity, in godly living. Only those of whom they can say, ‘This leader has lived a godly life worthy of emulation should occupy the office of leadership.
Jesus set his followers an example of humanity and love (John 13:1-17). Christians are urged to follow the example of the their leaders. In fact, providing an example is a primary task of leaders (1 Timothy 4:12; 1 Peter 5:3). Leaders can call on others to imitate them only as they themselves imitate the lord (1 Corinthians 11:1). Paul links the importance of words and example in Philippians 4:6- “What you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
This is the central message of this new concept of leadership, “TUPOCRACY”: Leadership by Example for the Church and Civil society. Dr. Amaowoh has introduced a new terminology in governance to the world and our dictionary.
If theocracy is a government in which God is recognized as the supreme civil rule, directly or through a priestly order, and democracy is a government elected by the people and for the people, TUPOCRACY is rightly coined to mean a government in which the leaders lead by positive example. This stimulating and exciting book should be read by all leaders and will be leaders.



It is a great privilege to write the foreword of this heart-searching book on leadership and Pastoral Theology. Originally, as we are made to understand, some segments of this book were designated as a scholarly Ph.D. dissertation of Reverend Godwin Amaowoh, duly defended and submitted to the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. I have personally known and had the privilege of mentoring the author for quite a period of time.
In my spirit mind, I saw Rev. Amaowoh then, as a good prospect in the vineyard of God. I knew when he volitionally resigned his teaching appointment with the Rivers State Secondary School Management Board, many years ago. This voluntary resignation was as a call of God upon his life. I was equally-aware of his return from the Rivers State to his State of origin, AkwaIbom, to take up pastoral work in 1989.
I had a fair knowledge of how some of his counterparts ridiculed and questioned the rationale of his action. His critics and scoffers had concluded too fast that Godwin had ended educationally. But little did they know that his resignation from teaching in a secular school was only like a “bend” and not the end.
Today, by reasons of his excellence in scholarship, couple with divine blessing, he has satisfactorily completed his Ph.D. program in a reputable institution. It was, as a result of his academic excellence and the quality of the dissertation, that the board of Examiners, graciously recommend that it should be converted into a book for a wider public consumption.
Like many others, whether among the clergy or laity, Rev. Amaowoh has convincingly proved that God does not and will not call anybody unto shame or destruction. Those who seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness will have “these things”, including education, added unto them.
The author has ingeniously invented a new word known as “TUPOCRACY”, which means, ‘Leadership or Government by example; Based on his wealth of knowledge in leadership, both in the church setting and civil society, he has undertaken the onerous but moral responsibility of publishing this powerful book for the benefit of the entire world. This is a grand contribution to knowledge.
This book is sound theologically, doctrinally and is presented in an easy-to-read manner. It can be used as a textbook in seminaries. It is also good for workshops, seminars for the church and civil society, where there is a yearning for exemplary leadership.
Having gone through this excellent work, I will not hesitate to recommend this invaluable masterpiece of leadership guide by Rev. Dr. Godwin  Amaowoh to leaders of all categories, including pastors, public office holders, company executives, the military, parents, the business class, teachers and students. To pastors in particular, this is one of the best books on pastoral theology by a Nigerian author.
I am happy to see my protege, the author, rising to this level. To God be the glory.
DIP. Theo; B.A; M.Div;M.Th, D.D.


The vales of the African public have been shifting from an overwhelming emphasis on material well-being and physical security towards greater emphasis on the quality of life. The causes and implications of this shift are complex, but the basic principle might be the fact that people tend to be more concerned with immediate needs or threats than with things that seem remote and non-threatening. This explains why hungry people are more likely to first seek for food than for aesthetic satisfaction.
We know that Africa is richly blessed, particularly Nigeria. However, today, unprecedented, large portions of the African population, particularly the youths, have been raised under conditions of harsh economic insecurity and unfriendly environment.
Economic and physical security continues to be valued positively but their relative priority is lower than in the past. I suspected that the change in values is due to a decline in the legitimacy of hierarchical authority, patriotism, and religion which has led to declining confidence in institutions. At the same time, the religio-political expressions of new values are facilitated by a shift in the balance of political skills, between the elite and the masses. Both suffer from timidity and lack of courage.
The masses, like sheep without a shepherd, are cowardly and ignorant of the power in their hands. Similarly, many of the so-called elite who have taken on themselves positions of leadership are neither gifted for the role nor do they take the pain to understand the demands of the office. But the principal evolution drift is the result of structural changes taking place in African societies and it is not likely to be changed unless there are major alterations in the very nature of those societies and those who engage in socpio-religious engineering.
This book suggests such required alterations. Leadership as a divine business is not about popularity; it is about righteousness. Leadership has been one of the persisting and dominating problems of the church and society. This book suggests a new religio-political terminology called TUPOCRACY, which is most relevant and appropriate for a democratic governance. 
TUPOCRACY as a sociopolitical concept is leadership by good example. This leadership by good example must of necessity, according to the author, including manifested leadership lifestyles, in speech, in secular application in optimism for positive changes, in church and society.
This book, which investigates this concept of Tupocracy provides a guide for the potential leader into means of effective leadership at various stages of life.
This effective leadership towards greater emphasis on the quality of the life manifested in good governance and character will make the difference the society and church yearn for. Thus, this seventeen chaptered book challenges the religious and political leaders of our time to courageously, with knowledge, offer leadership by good example, for the good of the church and civil society.
I sincerely believe that the further of the church and civil society will largely depend on these perspectives, as the required praxis for better and more humane society. I feel greatly honored in bringing this volume to the public attention.

I have read with keen interest and enthusiasm the proofs of this book-TUPOCRACY, Leadership by example for the Church and Civil Society. My joy is that the author is a church leader who is worried about the hypocrisy of leaders in religious and secular domains of the Nigerian society. The reader will appreciate the vigorous biblical references, the in-depth historical and political recollection that have all been package in the best academic tradition. It is my earnest wish that present and inspiring Nigerian leaders will each possess a copy and read.


The book, TUPOCRACY: leadership by example for the church and civil society has discoursed how pastoral leadership can be realized. The book sets out how a pastor can lead by example considering the various biblical components, to wit, - in speech, conduct and purity, love and faith. It goes further to explain the application of Tupocracy in civil society.
In its first two chapters, the author ably sets the stage for the discussion. In chapter one, he introduces the topic: chapter two and others, present and explains the concept of the church, church government, church membership, qualification and training of a pastor, among others. 
The book is a good material that should be used in the church, civil service, in school and in the entire society, since no leader, no matter the area where he operates can lead successfully without doing so by his example. Indeed, it is a ‘must-read’ for all.


I have read “TUPOCRACY”- Leadership by example for the church and civil society, by Rev. Dr. Godwin AkpanAmaowoh. He has analyzed the various concept of the church and various objections of some scholars to the birth of the church being on the day of Pentecost. Of particular interest was the view of one scholar who said that the church was not born on the day of Pentecost, but it only becomes a universal witness of it.
Pentecost was a significant turning point of the church from nationalism to universalism. If Pentecost did these things to the church, what is the birthday concept intended to convey? It is not pregnancy and delivery. It is significant. Some have also denied Pentecost as the birth of the church but opined that Pentecost marked the launching of the church into a powerful community of brotherhood of believers.
It is obvious that there is a linkage between Pentecost and the church. There is room for vigorous defenders that the church was born on the day of Pentecost. The contribution of Dr. Godwin Amaowoh is a signal that Pentecost scholars are rising to the challenge of providing theologically sound contributions.
Tupocracy is his peculiar contribution to theologizing and church management. Tupocracy advocates leadership by example. It involves modeling and open invitation to pattern behaviors after the leader.
When a leader solicits emulation of his leadership qualities, behavioral pattern and lifestyle, tupocracy becomes imbibed and internalized. This is recommended for the pastoral ministries-apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral and didactic (teaching). May God gives us models to imitate in the civil government as well.
The author advocate leadership integrity, which encompasses honesty, transparency, punctuality, increased when a leader deliberately requires his followers to emulate his actions. This paradigmatic leadership by example affects speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. Thus, a tupocracy is a leader or a mentor of exemplary character, who trains people to be leaders by his personal example. He does what he preaches.
The greatest sermon is the preacher’s exemplary life, which is more than a good public relation drive. Exemplary life has authority based on character, which is superior to age. Jesus taught by example and requires his disciples to do the same. To give good advice and at the same time set a bad example would be a contradiction and confusion.
Dr. Amaowoh has demonstrated competency by his skillful and etymological issues of relevant Hebrew and Greek words. It is a well-researched book of immense value to pastors and leaders of any church polity. The technical language gap was bridged by his transliterations and explanations. His writing style is lucid and demonstrates a good literary ability his Africanization of biblical concept shows good contextualization.
I give my professional and scholarly recommendation of this book to all ministers of the Gospel, church leaders, managers, administrators, all who are genuinely interested in good governance and management, Institutions, seminaries, and theological schools, will find this book invaluable as a course text in church administration and a supplementary text for pastoral theology.


The author of this inspiring and timely book is my dear husband. I commend him for his hard work, diligence, fear of god and integrity in all he does. In a perverse world like ours, where virtue is abominated and vice is venerated, there is still an on-going search for men of exemplary conduct. This is why this book is very much timely. 
I admire his love for education and the pursuit of excellence. He is a go-getter who believes in making judicious use of his resources, including time for positive endeavors. He is not an opportunity waster. It was at this type of disposition that enable him to complete his M.A. at the University of Uyo and Ph.D. at the University of Nigeria within record times. Dr. Amaowoh is a veritable source of inspiration, not only to us in the family, but to anybody who comes close to him.
Rev. Dr. Amaowoh’s love for integrity and burden for a church and civil society after god’s heart, has no doubt, led him to invent this word, TUPOCRACY:for leadership by example.’ As I know him, Dr. Amaowoh does not cut corners and he hates whatever is antithetical to exemplary conduct whether at home or ministry. I am happy to say that he has infused our family with the spirit prayer and desire that this will be the testimony of anyone who reads this book. If the church and the civil society will imbibe the doctrine of Tupocracy, the world as a whole will become a paradise on earth. This book is highly captivating, with a copious review of related literature to stimulate, challenge and encourage leaders in all areas of life to lead by example.
I congratulate him, on this wonderful feat of not only publishing his seventh book within a very short period, but also, giving birth to Tupocracy. In this book, he has displayed his dexterity and ingenuity as one who has a passion for excellence.
M.Ed. (UNN); B.SC.  (UYO); RNA  (UNTH); RM.RN.


The author of the book has presented a thorough opposition to the biblical principles of leadership by example in both the church and the society. Quite innovatively, the word Tupocracy has been coined, emanating from the Greek word ‘tupos’ which means example. Its conjunction with the word ‘cracy’ culminates in the much desired and yet exclusive pattern of leadership, which is ‘leadership by example’. It cannot be overemphasized in the church and secular society. These will remain the constant of both the leadership and the followership, the existenceand progress of which greatly depends on the pattern of both.
Reverend Amaowoh, a prolific and courageous writer himself, exemplifies a leader who leads by example, and thus, apart from the vast research materials which he utilized in the writing of the book, further relies on his personal experience on the significance of this model of leadership.
Starting with the historical exposition of the early church, which is posited herein to have started on the day of Pentecost, the authors extensively present and analogy of the qualities, and qualifications and work of the officers and members of the church, based on biblical principle and the views of eminent scholars, emphasizing the need for theological training in order instill leadership skills and values in men who are found worthy in learning and characters. Emphasis on this is further drawn from the teaching of our lords Jesus Christ, apostles Paul and Peter, amongst other disciples of Christ.
The relevance of the book to the civil society is apparent in its exposition, which admits that leadership styles and qualities may be different but certain quality are unavoidable necessary such as selfless service, humanity, sufficient self- discipline, fairness, and courage amongst other qualities, with the author calling on all true compatriot to be bound by cords of love, which should be practiced by both the leaders and the followers.
Notable exemplary leaders are specifically mentioned and that includes Rev. Dr. Charles Osueke, Nelson Mandela, Chief NnamdiAzikiwe, Late President Umaru Musa YarAua, Mother Theresa, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, etc.
It is expected that the necessary inspiration which should be drawn from the exemplary leadership roles of the aforementioned persons should be emulated among the generators of mankind.
The author, adverting his mind to the necessity of his reader to be versed with the modalities, which give rise to the emergence of leaders, dedicated an ample part of his writing to elaborate on the truism that power belongs to god and leaders (who are the servant of God) derive their power and authority from God, thus playing the critical role of executing Gods agenda. He, however, warns that unscrupulous leaders bring doom to the nation and its people.
Reverend Dr. Amaowoh, reiterates the essence of patriotism (i.e. the devotion to humanity and beneficence) and put out a clarion call, on all persons, whether leaders and followers, to constantly exhibited love to their nation and society (including individuals). Such patriotism is expected to not only unite both the church and the society but will lead to the attainment of both society and individualistic goals.
From the strong, well-informed stance of Reverend Amaowoh, it is highly recommended that tupocracy is an indispensable form of leadership both within the church and the civil society and this book is of both national and international relevance to all persons.


TUPOCRACY, by Rev. Dr. Amaowoh, is a one-point stop, a comprehensive elixir, for the pastoral leader. The book bears the great advantage of combining biblical studies, sociology of religion, African Traditional Religion, theology, ethics, leadership, pastoral theology, church history, social studies or society engineering, in the best scholar package one can think of, within one volume and yet can be read at a sitting by the book worm.
I am proud of Dr. Amaowoh as a person, for his ability to present his golden thoughts, talk, and real-life, in TUPOCRACY. He is personally, a leader worthy of emulation.
Tupocracy is a research library, yet not bulky. It is a minister’s best companion, for and age like this one. If I had the power, I would make the reading of Tupocracy a must for all ministers of the gospel. Well, at least, the leaders of assemblies of god, Nigeria, will have cause to rejoice, should this book be made a must-read, for all our pastors, in all our seminaries; and it should be a text for our minister’ institutes. All our deacons should, as aids to the pastor, also be made to have a copy and seminar should be organized for them, in line with the tenets of tupocracy.  
Amaowoh has wisely and wittingly corroborated very many authors on the onus of leadership by example, beginning with the Lord Jesus Christ, covering the Apostolic authors, till the present; thus, bridging a melting point called Tupocracy, which would force future generations of humanity, to come into his time and age, through this masterpiece (Tupocracy) Tupocracy, will never lose, either its flavor or divine aroma. This is nothing else than the finger of god in black and white.
Tupocracy should be a rallying point for good governance, to the black world, which has suffered several untold hardships from evil leaders. Tupocracy is a healing balm that would douse most, if not all our problems if practiced. Agin, should we not take great joy in the fact that our own, a son of Africa, has come up with a new word, for an old idea, that all the rest of mankind could not get at? This is nothing but an etymological invention, which compares favorably with inventions in science and technology. Amaowoh adds to the list of black achievers of world status.
Tupocracy is a mentor, where there is no human mentor. in it, you hear the father’s voice, even the mother’s where necessary. If any man that was lagging behind i9n ministry, or secular leadership, reads this and does not make a serious and committed effort for change, then, hell waits rejoicing, that another citizen join her teeming population out of personal volition. This is highly evangelistic and life-transforming.
Finally, I, as publisher of the book, consider tupocracy, sent to me by God, for in the cause of touched by its content and I feel there may be some out there, who may need a similar touch or a touch in line with your need, for personal life and ministry. All such answers are in this volume. Truly, God is glorified in my brother, mentor, and friend, Dr. Amaowoh. I double my honor for him and confess my excitement to have to include a foreword for this grand, ‘Pulitzer’ or ‘Noble’prize deserving dictum of unparalleled biblical exegesis.
Kudos to the author, as Mr. Ph.D., worth the accolades meted out here on him, by many academicians of repute.
Dip. Theo. (AGBC, UYO).


Many books and articles have been written on pastoral theology and leadership. This is due largely to the sensitive nature of these two domains. Currently, there is a lot of emphasis on the need for mentors and leadership by good example. This is why I feel delighted in making this unpretentious contribution in these areas.
Originally, a greater part of this book was my Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka entitled ‘AN UNDERSTANDING OF TUPOS IN PAULINE LETTERS ON THE PASTORAL MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH AND IT IMPLICATION FOR CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY,’ which was recommended for publication by the board of examiners. I concede here that the slogan ‘leadership by example’ is not my intention. What is new here is, ‘Tupocracy’ which is entirely the brainchild of my Ph.D. research. However, the glory goes to god as this concept finds its way into political dictionaries and encyclopedias of the world, just as democracy, Autocracy, Aristocracy, Theocracy, and Oligarchy, which are also of Greek origin. Many thanks to my supervisor and co-author, the Rev. Prof.  E. N.  Chinwokwu, whose scholarly assistance landed me on this discovery.
A word of caution here, although the illumination behind this book is from the holy bible, and the whole presentation and packaging is essentially Christian, the spirit of the book cuts across the spectrum of Christianity. As such, non-Christians will find the doctrine of yearn for. It is believed that much of religion is about morality or ethics and that religion provides not only its contents but also sufficient encouragement and strength to practice it. Based on this assumption the reader could assimilate the content of this book from the religion and intellectual perspectives.
‘Tupos’, as a word, did not originate from the bible but from the Koine Greek language, and therefore has a global acceptance, as far as scholarship is concerned although the doctrine of Tupocracy; whish is, do as I do’ is very challenging, mortals like the writer may get scared, but due to its imperativeness, we have to depend on God for the strength to practice its lofty ideals for the common good of the various society we belong to.
One unique feature of this book is that it has more than one foreword. The forewords are drawn from experts and scholars, among whom are renowned professors in related fields, to authenticate, espouse, buttress and endorse the doctrines of tupocracy. The book is divided into seventeen chapters. The first ten while the last seven deal with the civil society.
Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations are from the revised standard version of the holy bible (RSV). The first edition of this book had fourteen chapters while two more chapters have been added to this third edition.
27TH JULY, 2010.


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